Direct Trade Brazilian Specialty Coffee

From farm to cup - Sourcing sustainable, high-quality coffee directly from our trusted network of producers.

Supplying Brazil’s finest coffee worldwidebrazil-flag

Supplying Brazil’s finest coffee worldwidebrazil-flag

Brown Sugar and Honey

SCA score: 86
Coffee Beans
Competition micro-lot from Coffee O'Melo, certified by 4C and Rainforest. This pulped natural coffee delivers a sweet and creamy profile with notes of honey and brown sugar.
4.87 USD FOB/lb
4 bags (60kg)

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Meet our producers

São Bernardo Estate Coffee Farm

São Bernardo Estate Coffee Farm

Coffee O'Melo Farm

Coffee O'Melo Farm

Our community


Certified Farmsby leading coffee standards

High qualityfrom the best brazilian terroir


Uniting roasters and farmers through Direct trade

We believe in bridging the gap between roasters and farmers through direct, transparent trade.

By connecting passionate coffee growers with roasters worldwide, we ensure that every cup tells the story of collaboration, sustainability, and mutual respect.

Join us in reshaping coffee’s future, one direct connection at a time.